Brewer Honored by Congresswoman Matsui20220512205647
Brewer Honored by Congresswoman Matsui
The Hon. Doris O. Matsui (California Representative District 6) honored Roy Brewer with a reading into the Congressional Record....
Scholarship Named for Roy Brewer20220503210507
Scholarship Named for Roy Brewer
At a ceremony in May, Roy Brewer was presented with the honor of a scholarship named for him by the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce in their supp...
Comstock’s “She Who Leads”20170511203534
Comstock’s “She Who Leads”
Martha Lofgren is featured in Comstock's Magazine's annual salute to women in leadership....
Ann Madden Rice: From kitchen to executive suite20170314203312
Ann Madden Rice: From kitchen to executive suite
Having served on the Sacramento Metro Chamber board with Rice, Martha Lofgren was quoted with regard to Rice’s work and engagement in the business com...
Lucy Eidam Crocker, co-founder and president, Crocker & Crocker20160617203146
Lucy Eidam Crocker, co-founder and president, Crocker & Crocker
Martha Lofgren was quoted as a colleague of Crocker, both in private practice and as city manager of Folsom....
After Hours: Sacramento Metro Chamber annual business awards20160209201702
After Hours: Sacramento Metro Chamber annual business awards
Honoree Martha Lofgren is recognized as Sacramentan of the Year in the 121st annual dinner and business awards....
Sacramento Metro Chamber Announces Annual Award Winners20151215200930
Sacramento Metro Chamber Announces Annual Award Winners
The Sacramento Metro Chamber names Martha Lofgren its 2015 Sacramentan of the Year—the top honor among numerous awardees....
2015 Best of the Bar: Martha Lofgren, Brewer Lofgren LLP20150828183408
2015 Best of the Bar: Martha Lofgren, Brewer Lofgren LLP
Martha Lofgren is named among the list of elite attorneys comprising the 2015 Best of the Bar....
Another View: Speaker will offer insights into suburbs20131018183207
Another View: Speaker will offer insights into suburbs
In a special op-ed for the Sacramento Bee, former Folsom city manager and city attorney Martha Lofgren highlights the value of suburbs and calls for i...
2013 Best of the Bar: Roy E. Brewer, Brewer Lofgren LLP20130906183045
2013 Best of the Bar: Roy E. Brewer, Brewer Lofgren LLP
Roy Brewer is named to the Best of the Bar list in 2013, the inaugural year of the award....