Folsom Ranch Medical Center20220913193732
Folsom Ranch Medical Center
Brewer Lofgren provided land use and government affairs advice leading to the successful entitlement of a hospital expansion project, encompassing 530...
Rancho Cordova – The Preserve Development Agreement20220913184059
Rancho Cordova – The Preserve Development Agreement
Brewer Lofgren negotiated and drafted a development agreement with the City of Rancho Cordova to vest rights on a single-family residential subdivisio...
Sierra View Rental Housing Apartments20220913164604
Sierra View Rental Housing Apartments
Approval of a 195-unit rental housing development on 9.6 acres proximate to Sierra College and adjacent commercial development. The prior approved use...
Canyon Terrace Rental Housing Apartments20220913150755
Canyon Terrace Rental Housing Apartments
Approval of a 96-unit expansion of an existing 200-unit rental housing development on approximately 17 acres. The existing development was approved ci...
Aerojet Waste Consolidation Unit20220913131411
Aerojet Waste Consolidation Unit
Approval of an amendment to the Aerojet Special Planning Area (SPA) zoning ordinance to accommodate a one million cubic yard Class II landfill on a po...