Case Study
Russel Ranch – Folsom South Plan Area
Client: The New Home Company
Lead Attorney: Martha Lofgren
Brewer Lofgren served as lead land use counsel for the first development project approved in the 3,500-acre Folsom South Plan Area, annexed to the City of Folsom in 2012. Project details included:
- 829 residential units, to be built in four phases on approximately 437 acres
- Project entitlements included Specific Plan Amendment and rezone, Planned Development Permit, Design Guidelines, Large and Small Lot Vested Maps, Conditions of Approval, Development Agreement and Affordable Housing Agreement
- Project Environmental Impact Report prepared and certified by City Council within one year of scoping meeting
- Right of Way Agreement (with compensation) for land required by Capital Southeast Connector Joint Powers Authority for the construction of regional thoroughfare
- Post-approval Map Amendments negotiated with City via expedited review process
Project entitlements have served as a template for other Specific Plan Amendments within the Folsom South area.